- [] Names are meaningless
- [] Names have a mix of Quenya and Sindarin
- [] Names are those of famous Elves of Old without a very good reason
- [] Names are in an illogical language, such as
- () modern name
- () Quenya names for Sylvan Elves and vice versa
- () second name being like of “Silverbranch” or “Quickarrow”, in English
- () Japanese-like name
- [] Name in an Elvish language is made up incorrectly
- [] Misspelling the name(s) of character(s) created by Tolkien
- [] Other (specify)
- [] Use of Grey Company Elvish
- [] Use of illogical language, such as Quenya for Sylvan Elves
- [] Knowledge of English by the Elves
- () use of modern slang by the Elves
- [] Grammar mistakes in Elven languages
- [] Creating new pseudo-Elvish
- [] Other (specify)
- [] Altering Elven customs
- () Specifically customs that relate to marriage
- () Specifically customs that relate to child-rearing
- () Other (specify)
- [] Altering Elven developmental processes
- () Changing the maturation/aging of Elves
- [] Altering Elven physiology (specify)
- [] Altering Elven psychology (specify)
- [] Creating new, unlisted races of Elves
- [] Creating new Elven dwelling places
- [] Creating new Elven artifacts where old ones would be sufficient
- [] Mangling Elven theology and metaphysics
- [] Writing bad slash
- [] Writing a Mary Sue
- [] Mating an Elf with some improbable creature, such as a Nazgûl (specify)
- [] Anything else the Poison Ivy finds especially annoying (specify)