The Protectors of the Plot Continuum is a large organization, full of crazy agents, who yearn to tell the world about their incredible adventures. Here some of them are hosted, and some that are hosted elsewhere are linked.
- PPC Headquarters
- Here you will find the charge lists, Mary Sue litmus tests, PPC Original Series, and wide variety of spin-offs to suit every taste.
- [Link goes to the Odd Lots mirror hosted at The Multiverse Monitor by Huinesoron. —Ed.]
- PPC Posting Board
- Here you can talk to the agents taking a break from hunting Sues.
- PPC Information Directory
- The ever-growing PPC departments and agents directory, kept in order by the lovely Artemis.
- PPC Flower Officials
- See the Flower Officials in all their glory. Photographed by the great NenyaQuende.
I host some of the stories for the people on the PPC board. They can be found below. Annotated by your humble servant.